Sprache: Englisch
01.10, 17:50–18:50 (Europe/Berlin), erdbeer
What if you could share your rides in Nextcloud?
What if more people would share their rides? What if sharing rides would be easier? What if you would not have to choose one of the 50+ ride-sharing websites (in Germany alone)? What if you could manage your ride offers in Nextcloud and a plug-in would submit your offer to the various portals for you?
We propose a new project, a plug-in for Nextcloud that manages ride offers. It's focused on creating, updating and deleting ride offers what is known as CRUD among nerds. The plug-in will not implement any ride matching features or user contacts. Thats already done by the various ride-sharing websites.
The implementation will use a Ride CRUD API that the German ride-sharing association (Mitfahrverband e.V.) is pushing forward.
This will be the starting point of the Ride-Sharing 4 Nextcloud plug-in project. We'll celebrate this by creating the new and initially empty Github repository in front of your eyes and then invite you to clone it. We'll move on in the workshop into discussing and planning next steps.
Frank is one of the founders of the German non-profit ride-sharing association Mitfahrverband e.V. mitfahrverband.de. Also at mitfahrdezentrale.de, ridewithukraine.eu, fahrgemeinschaft.de.