Sprache: Englisch
02.10, 15:50–16:30 (Europe/Berlin), birne
In our intervention we shall introduce the audience to main tenets of educational curriculum "Bildung Biodigitale" aiming to combine natural sciences - notably biology, ecology and botanics - with humanities, arts and artificial intelligence. Diverse outcomes – artefacts, datasets, git repositories – issued of first batch of didactic experiments in „outdoor online learning“ will also be presented.
Why Bildung Biodigitale (BB) at Bits & Bäume (B&B)? Because the essence of the BB curriculum is to combine education in computer science (bits) with education in biology & ecology (Bäume).
BB is an educational curriculum integrating paradigms of computer-oriented sciences (e.g. informatics, cybernetics, AI etc.) and nature-oriented sciences (e.g. biology, ecology, botanics etc.) into a life-centered didactic package. Instead of being composed of dry indoor frontal teaching lectures, BB seminars mostly take place outdoor, some of them are peripatetic –i.e. walking– and apart from „aesthetic“ and „theoretical“ components always include a „survival“ component.
Thus, BB participants acquire not only trans-disciplinary knowledge, they also acquire experience which cannot be transmitted by a lecture – provided by a smell of a flower or a taste of a plant – but also learn useful information – e.g. learn which plant is edible and which is poisonous - about how to survive on a planet suffering under yoke of 1st man-made climate crisis.
Far from being yet another PowerPoint, the presentation part of our B&B contribution will provide an insight into potential of our „outdoor online teaching“ tool, an open source project Teacher.JS.
After positing BB into artistic (i.e. Solarpunk) and philosophical (i.e. Lovelock’s Novacene) contexts, visitors of our B&B intervention will be informed about unfoldment of first three introductory BB seminars which took place at Berlin UdK in years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Other innovations used during or issued from BB - e-ink artefacts, solar-powered music instruments, herbarium datasets, plant holograms etc. - will also be introduced.
Juniorprofessor of Digital Education at Berlin University of the Arts / Einstein Center Digital Future..