Lewis Akenji

Dr. Lewis Akenji is the Managing Director of Hot or Cool Institute, a Berlin-based public-interest think tank that champions science-based collaboration towards building a sustainable civilisation.
He has been featured on several global and local media outlets, including BBC, the Times, Reuters. He has consulted with organizations including United Nations agencies, the Asian and African Development Banks, the European Commission, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and has served as technical or science-policy adviser to several national government delegations, including Finland, Japan, Sweden, Indonesia, Hungary.
Lewis conceived and led the 1.5-Degree Lifestyles project, analysing potential contribution of lifestyle changes to the aspirational 1.5 °C target under the Paris Agreement on climate change, and implications on equity and wellbeing.


Bits & Bäume Auftakt: Eine andere Digitalisierung ist nötig! (DE/EN)
Hendrik Zimmermann, Friederike Rohde, Henriette Litta, Elisa Lindinger, Lewis Akenji, Dr. Christiane Rohleder, Dr. Franziska Brantner

Auf dem Eröffnungspodium der Bits & Bäume 2022 sollen die großen Themen der Konferenz anklingen.
On the opening podium of Bits & Bäume 2022, the main topics of the conference should be addressed.

Bits & Bäume Core
Information booth - Department Sustainable Digitalization @ TU Berlin // ECDF // Hot and Cool Institute
Maike Gossen, Johanna Pohl, Tilman Santarius, Patricia Jankowski, Lewis Akenji, Jens Bergener

Come and get to know the Department of Sustainable Digitalization @ TU Berlin, the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and Hot and Cool Institute.

'Hot or Cool Institute' - let's discuss climate protection, research, policies, 1.5-Degree Lifestyles

Forum & Kultur
Forum (zeitunabhängig)