Tilman Santarius
Tilman Santarius is professor at the Technical University of Berlin and the Einstein Centre Digital Future and works on topics such as climate policy, world trade, sustainable economics, global justice and digital transformation (www.santarius.de). Tilman is also co-founder of FrohLaWi e.V. (www.frohlawi.de) and serves on the Board of Greenpeace Germany.

With the "Digital Decade" and the "Green Deal", the European Union aims to address the two major issues of our time: Defining a European way of digitalization and enabling a just and green transformation. In this workshop, we will discuss together with European researchers and practitioners how to achieve better coherence between digital policy initiatives and sustainable development policies.
Was hat die Klimakrise mit Digitalisierung zu tun? Und was muss die Politik jetzt tun, damit eine klimaneutrale Digitalisierung, die zugleich dem Klimaschutz dient, möglich wird? In diesem Format stellt Bits & Bäume seine Forderungen vor und geht in den direkten Austausch mit Politiker*innen.