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Let’s make electronics more circular through hardware as a service (EN)
2022-10-01 , CAMPHER
Language: English

Let’s make electronics more circular through hardware as a service

The electronics industry generates a huge amount of negative externalities, from the mines to the products' end-of-life. Many studies showed that most of these impacts occur during the product birth and death. Thus the first priority is to reduce the number of electronic devices made and sold. However, this is not viable for companies that rely solely on the sale of these devices. There is therefore a need for another business model: Product as as Service (PaaS). We will explore under which conditions can this new way of doing business be really sustainable (spoiler: by being circular!) and if electronic could not also become - after all - a common good

Commited to contribute to a sustainable and people-minded solution to the current ecological crisis, I chose to join the Commown cooperative to develop this further in Germany.