Sprache: Englisch
01.10, 15:40–16:20 (Europe/Berlin), clementine
The platform cooperativism-model has been increasingly put forth in recent years as a possible “silver bullet” against the various negative excesses of platform capitalism. But how can democratically-structured platforms grow despite scarce resources? What support structures do they require? And what does all of this have to do with sustainability?
Platforms centralize data, capital and power – and create new dependencies. In response, alternative platforms have emerged in recent years which make use of cooperative principles for a democratization of the platform economy. This session will ask for the strategies that such platforms use to survive ‘in the market’ and discuss whether and how this model can contribute to a socio-ecological transformation. Focus is put on one particularly promising strategy: building cooperative federations. This particular type of platform co-op wants to build the resources that are needed to implement a platform (be it a technical infrastructures or business knowledge) and make these resources available to local actors from the platform cooperativism-movement. In this panel discussion, we will discuss the potentials of such federations with three representatives of movement: Oriol Alfambra (Mensakas/CoopCycle), Ela Kagel (Platform Cooperatives Germany) and Felix Weth (FDO Solutions/berlinzudir.de). Each panelist will explain in short pitches (a) what services their respective federations provide, (b) what sustainability goals they pursue, and (c) what pitfalls exist. The discussion will enrich the conference by outlining a concrete, real-world alternative to digital capitalism and by elaborating conditions of success for such alternatives.
Jonas Pentzien fragt im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) danach, wie sozial-ökologische Alternativen in der Plattformökonomie aufgebaut und skaliert werden können
Greta Franke ist Sozialwissenschaftlerin und arbeitet am IÖW In Berlin. In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit der Plattformökonomie und dem Aufbau von kooperativen Plattformen als Alternativen.