Sprache: Englisch
01.10, 11:00–12:00 (Europe/Berlin), CAMPHER
Phone dropped. Screen cracked. Time for a new phone? Not for us. And not for you either. Anyone can fix their phone, and we can show you how. Not just a great party trick for your next BBQ — it’s also a great way to prevent electronic waste!
In this workshop, Back Market's Lead Refurbishment Operations Manager, Kewin Charron, shows participants how to best maintain their tech. He provides insights about the most common defects and what everyone can do to prevent them - but also how they can be fixed. Kewin showcases how professional refurbishers work, what tools they use to thoroughly inspect devices and how common repairs are performed.
The workshop shall demystify tech repair and empower people to extend the lifespan of their gadgets, which is fundamental for changing our relationship with tech and for promoting sustainable consumption patterns.
Tilman Rüsch verantwortet in Deutschland die politische Kommunikation von Back Market, dem Online-Marktplatz für professionell aufbereitete Technik. Zusammen mit anderen Akteuren aus der Right to Repair-Bewegung streitet er für die richtigen politischen Rahmenbedingungen, um unseren Technik-Konsum nachhaltiger zu gestalten.