Prototype Fund & Friends Meetup
2022-10-01 , guave
Language: English

We're here to meet our community! Whether you have been funded by Prototype Fund, have questions about how to apply or want to talk about FOSS funding and sustainability, come say hi.

The Prototype Fund is a program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We fund innovative FOSS projects built by small teams and individuals.

This session is intended as an informal meetup for past and future projects of the Prototype Fund and everyone who wants to discuss various aspects of Free and Open Source Software funding and sustainability.

Over the years Prototype Fund has funded a significant amount of sustainability-related software projects, from tools for a cleaner internet to self-organization apps for communities and education platforms. And of course, we want to keep supporting this kind of projects!

We're here to meet you and understand how we can help people who want to build sustainable software or tools that help educate, connect and organize around the topics addressed at Bits & Bäume. We're also here to help you understand how to get support for your project. And we love to meet people interested in talking about funding and sustainability in general.

If you consider applying or don't know how to get funding for your software project, come and ask us any questions you have! This is also a great opportunity to meet people we have funded in the past and learn from their experience.

And if we funded your project, have questions about our work or are just curious, come say hi!

About us: The Prototype Fund is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), managed and evaluated by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.
Individuals and small teams (of freelance coders, hackers, UX designers and more) can receive funding in order to test their ideas and develop open source applications in the areas of Civic Tech, Data Literacy, IT Security and Software Infrastructure. We aim to keep innovation processes as well as infrastructures open and accessible.

Patricia leitet den Prototype Fund gemeinsam mit Marie Gutbub. Sie verantwortet zudem die Kommunikation des Prototype Fund und ist für die Betreuung der Förderprojekte zuständig. Sie hat Religion und Kultur in Berlin studiert und zu medialer Diskurshegemonie geforscht. Zuvor arbeitete sie in den Kampagnen- und Kommunikationsteams verschiedener NGOs und verantwortete die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit eines Verbands.

Marie leitet den Prototype Fund gemeinsam mit Patricia. Sie ist außerdem für die Events und die Betreuung der Förderprojekte zuständig. Sie hat Kulturjournalismus studiert und an neuen Modellen für Onlinejournalismus-Plattformen geforscht. Seitdem hat sie als freie Journalistin, Campaignerin, Kommunikationsbeauftragte, Infosec-Trainerin und Event-Organisatorin für verschiedene Projekte im Bereich Journalismus, Privacy und Open Source gearbeitet.

Open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer. Co-Director Prototype Fund.