RIPE, tea & empathy
2022-10-02 , Forum (zeitunabhängig)
Language: English

Let's have a tea & an empathy exchange - while plotting a green revolution! I am wearing many hats: a Community Builder from RIPE (NCC), hacker, NVC mediator... and would like to meet activists & artists, to invite you to join RIPE community!

I love drinking tea, and I love sharing!

As a follow-up on my presentation, let's spend long time in the discussions, over a cup of tea!

Tea-house at CCC Lounge was my favourite place, and I am hoping to recreate it at B&B!

Topics of interest: critical Internet infrastructure; limits to growth; social justice; equity & inclusion; feminism; hackers ethics; empathy: celebrations & mournings; art and activism as ways of contributing to political change. (Personal Collection) (Personal Collection) (Personal Collection)

Vesna Manojlovic is Senior Community Builder at RIPE NCC. Goddess with six hands: mother, hacker, activist, lecturer, feminist, artist. By education: Computer Science Engineer & NVC Mediator.

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