Laura Niessen

Laura Niessen is PhD researcher at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute. She investigates sustainable consumption through circular business models and sufficiency-based approaches, focusing on how companies can help their customers reduce resource use.
Previously, she worked on circular economy research and policy in Ireland with the Rediscovery Centre, the Irish Centre for the Circular Economy.


🌟 B&B Panel: Transformative Business Models and the Socio-Ecological Transformation (EN)
Christian Kroll, Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer, Dr. Iana Nesterova, Laura Niessen

What kind of digital and sustainable business models are out there? What challenges do they face and how could their concepts be scaled for the whole society? At this B&B stage Christian Kroll (founder of Ecosia) will share with us practical experience before a panel will critically examine the role of economic actors in socio-ecological Transformation.

Digital and Sustainable - Transformative Business Models