hugues ferreboeuf

Hugues Ferreboeuf, 60, has been an executive in the information technology sector; he joined the think tank The Shift Project (*) in 2016 to work on digital sustainability and he is a D4S expert.Just in time for the Bits & Bäume 2022, he will publish the brand new report "DIGITAL RESET. REDIRECTING TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE DEEP SUSTAINABILITY TRANSFORMATION" together with 15 other international experts. This report is the outcome of a two-year science-policy dialogue ( and presents a comprehensive analysis of opportunities, risks, governance options and specific policies how to make digitalization work for social and environmental sustainability.


New Report: "DIGITAL RESET. Redirecting Tech for the Deep Sustainability Transformation" (EN)
Johanna Pohl, Tilman Santarius, Steffen Lange, Angelika Hilbeck, Dorothea Kleine, hugues ferreboeuf, Mattias Höjer, Lorenz Hilty, Philipp Staab, Marianne Ryghaug

Presentation & discussion of the new report "DIGITAL RESET."

In this report we argue that digitalization, in its current and mainstream form, is rather aggravating than solving many of the pressing social and environmental crises and show how to reconceptualize digitalization so that it can support the quest for a deep sustainability transformation.

Digitalisation, Environmental and Climate Protection
Community Meetup - Bits & Bäume goes international! (EN)
Johanna Pohl, Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius, Angelika Hilbeck, hugues ferreboeuf, Mattias Höjer, Lorenz Hilty, Dorothea Kleine, Philipp Staab

Are you working on or are interested in issues around sustainable digitalization beyond your national borders? In that case we are the perfect match for you! In our international meetup we will hold a space for networking, hearing about your ideas, projects and experiences and share our experiences from the two-year European dialogue project "Digitalisation for Sustainability (D4S)".

Digitalisation, Environmental and Climate Protection
Why we need to redesign Internet to make it sustainable (EN)
hugues ferreboeuf

The digital environmental footprint grows in an unsustainable way because of the business models of the dominant players , i.e. the GAFAMS/BATX and their derivatives (Netflix, TikTok etc..). Making digital sustainable again is not compatible with digital superpowers and calls for a transition to alternate business models designed for sustainability.

Digitalisation, Environmental and Climate Protection