Mina Luetkens

Mina Luetkens is Founding Partner of Patients4Digital (P4D), a non-profit organization that advocates for the empowerment of citizens and patients in the digital health marketplace.

Her focus areas are bridging the areas of technology and system/culture.
Digital identity, data sovereignty and public digital infrastructure are important areas when it comes to overcoming healthcare challenges in the era of Health 4.0.

After studying physics, architecture and biochemistry at the TU and FU-Berlin and an additional qualification in market access at the EBS University of Economics and Law, she spent almost 13 years in industry at various positions of increasing responsibility.
Motivated by her experiences as a person, suffering from a chronic trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (cluster headache), she started to advocate for Health Equity and Inclusion, several years ago.

In early 2022, she decided to focus her efforts on advocating for democratization and a transformation of the health care market towards a citizen- and patient-centered health care system.
Together with Sophie-Christin Ernst, she founded Patients4Digital gGmbH.


CDR-Slam - Bühne frei für digitale Verantwortung!
Christina Niklas, Bartosz Przybylek, Susanna Wolf, Dr. Christian Thiel, Maria Hinz, Steffen Waurick, Mina Luetkens, Jakob Wößner, Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann, Karine Rübner

Beim Corporate Digital Responsibility (kurz: CDR)-Slam versuchen die führenden Köpfe der CDR-Community das Publikum zugespitzt und kurzweilig davon zu überzeugen, was der wichtigste Aspekt einer verantwortlichen, nachhaltigen Digitalisierung ist. Denn CDR hat viele Dimensionen – von Verbraucher*innenschutz, über Mitarbeitendenbelange bis hin zur Cybersecurity oder nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodellen.

Digital and Sustainable - Transformative Business Models